I called this is my journey with God. I hope nobody is like me, wait for long to make decision. Starting with pain in my abdomen in a specific area, I went to see a gynecologist, found out that I had what it called uterine fibroid
http://www.myuterinefibroids.com/do.php?gclid=CKXajc7Qs4kCFRZXFQodP3uSUA , and I should have it removed. What? surgery? Nightmare. No way! I don’t like needle. I have tried everything to avoid surgery such as no meat diet and all kind of traditional medicines.
Nothing worked, and I began losing my hope. In that point I have to find a way to be healed. I didn’t know how. So I start watching Praise the Lord on
www.tbn.org . I found lots of hope from the songs and worship which Jesus is the Greatest Healer. So I prayed and accepted Jesus to be my Lord and savior. I made a commitment with God that on New Year 2006 I want to make a further step; I want to go to this church
http://www.ibcchurch.cc .
Every single day is a new day with God, He changed me so much, and He wants to restore every part in me.
My life has changed, I love people more than before. I am blessed with many things in my life, lots of love from friends and family, specially my husband, Steve who has never a single time complained about my health condition and did not leave me because of this sickness I was unable to have a baby. And I know that is only the Love from God can do that. My faith began to grow and with His power I surrender all to Him and I went to the doctor and accepted to have a healing process. My fear of needle and surgery did not go away, I walked to the doctor office like walking in a death row. But I have to make the step, I want to be healed, and with all prayers and scriptures, I did that first step. The rest, here I am, back in home and ALIVE!
God gave me a miracle. Yes, the miracle to be walking with Him, which everything is possible in Him, and I can do all things through Him who strengthen me. The surgery is a miracle for me, I was afraid of it so much, and I passed the test. It’s so over. I have to always remember that I never face any problem by myself, the Holy Spirit is with me, I am surrounded by many angels, and God the Father are always wacthing me from Heaven. Thank you Jesus, you made me new.
Many thanks to:
- Steve, you are always a sweetheart to me, thanks for all your loves, all you do and being with me in this situation. Just look at the bright side, you can get to play nurse with me *wink wink*. You are my sunshine, I love you very much.
- All my family in Indonesia and US, specially my mother who went thru the same problem like me in the past. Bapak, Mas Tegar, mbak Vivien, mas Unggun, and Entong. Kay (my mom) for everything, Denny, Diane, all the Doyles for your loves.
- Mbak Anna family for praying for me everyday
- All my friends from Bethany Washington DC church who have been praying and supporting me the whole time. With you, I feel I have extended new family, and that is true. Thanks for visiting me in the hospital.
- Yuyun and Ike for your the special prayer and spending time with me a day before the surgery.
- Also thanks for Lucy, Lee, Liza, Larry for taking your time to visit me.
- Jeng Endang Power www.johnendang.multiply.com for everything. I have learnt so much from you, because you have gone through this before me. You told me that surgery is not as bad as we thought, and that comforted me. I love you, sayang.
- Dr. Marvin Rosenblatt, all paramedics, and nurses. You all are my angels from God.
I know words cannot express the way I really thank you for everything you have done for me but I can pray that God will bless your kindness with multiple blessing in your life