Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I am officially a cake lady

My first decorated cake

I'm so proud of myself. Seriously if you're not a baker, decorating a cake could cause many problems such as severe headached, twisted your back bones or carpal tunnel syndrome. I came to work the other day with my hand still sore. After 4 weeks taking for course 1, finally last night I got my diploma. Steve couldn't believe when I brought home this cake that I and Lucy made it and because it's so beautiful, he refused to cut it.
I am glad that I can proudly pronounce myself as a cake lady.

So I want to take this opportunity to thanks many people:

1. Steve, my husband: Thank you for paying this course for me.
You are my inspiration and such a supportive husband and I know that you want me to spread my wings and do what I really love to do which are baking and cooking. Eventhough you are not a sweettooth person but I want to thank you so much that you, since the day we got married to be my guinea pig.

2. Ibu, My mother: I dedicated this whole baking ideas and work for you because you are my teacher and the first person who introduce me to baking and cooking world.

3. Sonia, my Wilton teacher: I was so fortunate to have you taught our class. Thank you for being such talented person and so patience specially to me and Lucy eventhough we're always behind and slow learner. You are so nice to us and I think you should have punished Lucy for not bringing her cake last night but you didn't. We hope to have your class again in the future.

4. Lucy, my partner in crime: Too much to say about you, but we better stop talking too much and get to work on our "Big Project", wedding cake business as our dream.
Me and my partner in crime

Me and Sonia my teacher

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Chocolate Covered Strawberry

I made these strawberries past weekend as a practice for my valentine's project coming up soon. I brought them for everyone to taste and they seemed to love it. I used semisweet chocolate and it was perfect, not overwhelmed the taste of strawberries. I and couple more friends plan to make lots of them this weekend and sell them as a fundraiser for my church. So? What do you think? Is it good enough to sell? Since we are going to make them one day ahead, where can we store them? I need suggestions from all of you, please. Thanks berry berry much.