My grandmother always brought me this when she came over our house in Jakarta. I missed my grandma so much and I missed when she left all of us to be with the Lord last year. I couldn't go home because I was ill. I really wanted to eat this so I tried to get the recipe online and found it. So simple and so easy to make.
- 1 lb peanuts with the skins still attach
- 1 block palm sugar (about 200 gr)
- 2 inches ginger
- Toast the peanuts in the skillet
- Grate the ginger and squeeze to get the liquid
- Cut palm sugar into chunk
- Put palm sugar and ginger in a pot, cook in low heat until sugar melt for about 10 minutes until you get the consistency of caramel sugar.
- Turn off the stove, add all the peanuts into the melted sugar.
- Righ away scoop one tablespoon on a greased aluminium foil or parchment paper quickly.
- Let it cool and ready to eat.
Wita... tega nya...jadi inget ini snack waktu di Indo kepasar ama nyokap trus beli ini jajanan.
Hi Wita! I don't think I've tried this peanut snack before, but it sure looks tasty. As for the recipe you asked me for, send me your e-mail address and I will try to get it out to you soon ;o)
ini snack waktu jaman aku masih SD, jadi pengen... kirim2 ke melbourne ya mba
ampyang banyak dijual di toko asia khan? cuman gak tau dianya pk gula jawa atau brown sugar kyk resep2 bule
bikin ampyang lumayan tricky klo kepanasan dikit bisa jadi gulali hehehe... but yours is just perfect !
These look great! Reminds me of Christmas... my grandmother use to make these little treats too.
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Hi, mba wita..salam kenal ya..aku Itha..sama2 di maryland neh..mba dimananya?? eh mba, aku contek ya resep ampyangnya..abisnya temenku nanyain ampyang mulu...untung ada resepnya mba wita, jd aku pgn coba nih buatnya...mdh2an sukses deh!!! thx ya mba
Halo Itha, ma kasih udah mampir. Aku tinggal di Wheaton. Bikin ampyang ternyata gampang, gak usah minta kirim dari Indo. SElamat mencoba yah,.. duh jadi pengen lagi nih makan ampyang...
Great Blog.....
Boleh jugga di coba nich...
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