- 1/2 lb ground beef
- 1/2 lb (1/2 bag) frozen cut vegetable
- 3 clove of garlic, chop
- 1 big shallot, chop
- 1 tsp butter
- 1 tsp olive oil
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 salt+pepper to taste
Heat oil and butter and add chopped garlic and shallot, cook for about 1 minute. Add ground beef, sugar, salt, pepper, cook until dry, and add the vegetable, cook another 3 minutes. Put it aside.
Mashed Potato Ingredients:
4 lb white potatoes (1 bag)
3 egg yolks
2 tbs butter
3 tbs milk powder
1 cup potato powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp chicken/broth powder
1 tsp salt
1 tsp white pepper powder
1/4 tsp grated nutmeg
- Steam all the potatoes.
- While they're hot, combine all the ingredient and mash them until well coorporated.
- Right away, take 2 tbs potato, flatten it and put 1 tsp of filling in the center and cover it with potato, make it shape like a ball. Repeat until finish all the ingredients. Dip the ball one by one with egg white, then bread crumbs. Put them in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or over night before frying.
haaaaaaa abis perkedel skrg kroket?
ahha.... welcome back. akhirnya posting lagi. kroket Wita gw mah gk pernah bosen! Comot atu yah.. how was your thanksgiving?
ah betul deh shepherd pie goreng xixixi...
mbak Wita, kenapa ya aku kalo bikin kroket pas digoreng sering retak/pecah? Apa karena ga didinginkan di kulkas dulu?
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