Ike, Netty, Yuyun, me, Eny and Yaty

Tumpeng Komplit

When Indonesian girls get together, you know what happens, its always so much fun, great food, great laughs. We can't do this so often tho, because we all live apart. Our friend Netty is expecting her first baby, so Eny and I made her a surprised baby's shower. Not everybody could make it because it was a holiday weekend, but the party must go on, and yes, was successful, there are things I forgot to do or to take, but not a big deal. I got a panic attack when I fried the perkedel, they exploded successfully. We indeed had a blast time. My emotion was undescribeable, I could laugh and cry at the same time. The house filled with our loud voices, laughs, sometimes screams. Eat so much foods. We gathered together all the food to make tumpeng komplit. Netty, the mom to be, made us lontong sayur. So much foods, rujak, talam ubi, es buah selasih from Yaty, just perfect meals for everybody.
Thanks to Netty& Jim for your unexpected welcome to us, Eny+Tom, Yaty+David, Fetty+Bob, Ike, Yuyun, and kids.... love you all, and hope to see you again pretty soon....
Wit, I had sooo much fun (as always) with you and the ladies. It is such a great blessing from God to send me such a nice friend and sister like you, Witarani Doyle! Love you *mmmuuuaaaahhh*. Next time - God willing - it'll be your and Steve's baby shower... Aamiin!!!!
Jeng Wita...endi poto2mu? Weleh...It was so wonderful working with you...Eh itu es bunga selasih nya Yaty nggak kepoto ya? Muuahhhh...Eny R.
Hi Wit..sorry baru comment di blog kamu. Iya seru yah kita ngumpul ngumpul. Ntar diperkumpulan berikutnya udah ada tambah satu anggota nih ;-)
Jangan masak2 terus deh. Sekarang cariin iPhone dulu. Berapa harganya di amrik? Itung2 sebagai belated birthday present...
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