Last week May 18, we had the opportunity to celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary. We went to Williamsburg VA and spent the night there. Williamsburg is a colonial town that you can get to know American history.
We left fairly early on saturday morning, drove about 3 hours and we got there around noon, checked in hotel, and we walked to downtown to have a nice lunch where we can sit outside (Steve always wants to sit outside wherever we go). We walked back to the hotel and took a nap, our favorite thing to do together LOL...

In the evening we dressed up and went to Collonial Inn to have a special dinner. Steve wore a tie and suit, I wore a dress because in this restaurant, you have to dress like that or they will rent you one LOL. I had duck breast, and it's so good, so tender and melt in my mouth. Steve had a plate full of seafood. Steve told the waiter that we're celebrating our anniversary, and after that, she brought us a surprise for our dessert, everyone knows what this is, so lovely.

Then, Sunday May 25, since we had a holiday on Monday, Steve wanted to spend time out of town again.
He said, we're cruising babe.... yeepee...thank God we really enjoy spending time together and exploring new places, driving or by foot. My husband knows many things, he is also my personal GPS. One thing I like about my husband, when I think he drove in the wrong way, he never turned around, or asked direction (no way! so girly), he just kept going, and said we'll get there and thank God that Steve discovered our universe is round not flat. What a fun trip I always have with my husband.
So this time he wanted to go to Charlotsville, VA to see ThomasJefferson house. We left in early evening after the church, and for two hours driving, we got there and had dinner at downtown. We sat outside and had several appetizers and beers.

The next day we had breakfast at the downtown, we really enjoyed spending time there. Then we went to Monticello, the house of Thomas Jefferson. Beautiful house and garden. After that we went back to downtown and had lunch there, drinking beers again.... when the day is hot like that, the iced cold beer just what we need. We drove home by passing by the Skyline Drive in Shenandoah Mountain, the view was amazing. We got home late, but I was hungry for Indonesian food. So I made Indomie for both of us... hmmm so delicious.
Thanks baby for the wonderful trips, many many years to come, and I love you so much.

Yuhuuuuu...Happy Anniversary Mba.
Didoain langgeng n bahagia terus yaaa...:-) Mmuuuahhh..
happy anniversary
nice couple.. mesraaaa... happy anniversary ya Wit
Uh oh... sorry telat, Wit :(. Happy 6th Wedding Anniversary to you and Steve. Semoga Tuhan selalu memelihara dan menjaga rasa cinta dan kasih sayang di dalam rumahtangga Wita-Steve... dan kelak (very very soon!) diberkahi Tuhan anak-anak yang berbakti pada Tuhan, orangtuanya dan orang banyak... Aamiin!!!!
My first wedding anniversary, we went to Colonial Williamsburg, too. We stayed at a B&B in town and walked all over the beautiful city by foot. We also had a great dinner at the Trellis and the Blue Talon (a bistro near the William and Mary's College), and watched an anime movie in the cute little theatre in downtown Williamsburg. It was such a great place to celebrate your special moment like anniversary. We'd love to go back again...
Once again, doaku selalu besertamu, sis... Love you, Wita sayang...
Aih aih....mesranya...Happy Belated Anniversary, nggih...semoga selalu happy, diberkahi, and segera dikasih momongan. Luv ya, Sis...Eny R.
Jeng Wita cantik... happy anniversary yaaaa... mudah-mudahan selalu dilimpahkan kasih sayang satu sama lain yaaa.. sukses terus!!!
Wita, happy anniversary say. Moga makin mesra, langgeng and sukses selalu.
Lo dah 6thn, berarti cuma beda 1th aja yah. thn ini gw masuk yg ke 7.
Trip nya sounds very fun. Pokok ke tambah mesra deh dgn adanya honeymoon lagi:)
God bless,
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