Thanks to Ayin for the recipe and step-by-step of making this cake. I didn't have dark cherry in stock so I made this chocolate cake with chocolate ganache instead. I was inspired by Rita and took her ganache recipe. I couldn't make it as beautiful as yours.
So much much thank you for enchef who really taught me about applying the chocolate transfer. I need more practice as you can see, I made lots of mess and doesn't look smooth.
I took this cake to church for my friend, Yuyun's b-day. Everybody couldn't believe that I made the cake, I heard a wow..wow..wow....
So, I think I'm not that bad only need more patience in decorating, and energy! yea..where's that come from?
Thanks friends, you all inspired me.
iku wes cuantik tenan koqqqq.. cuman keliatannya coklat trfnya belum kokoh benar tah? next time pasti sudah bagus. wong ini aja dah cantik koq ya ;)
mbak Witaa.... cake chocolate-nya cantik! Btw, cake-nya buat siapa tuh? ;)
ih pengen nyolek kuenya, bikin pagernya gimana sih Vit?
Wita, cantik kuenya. ampe gini hari gw blon bisa bikin page kue kek gitu:(
It's a "wow-wow-wow" indeed :) Dekorasinya cantik. Tempelan coklat transfer-nya rapi kok. Waktu pertama kali aku pake choc.trans lebih parah banget. Pagernya gak berbentuk...hehehe.
Jeng Wita, nek aku yo doyan pol...gawekke yo...Eny.
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