I made these strawberries past weekend as a practice for my valentine's project coming up soon. I brought them for everyone to taste and they seemed to love it. I used semisweet chocolate and it was perfect, not overwhelmed the taste of strawberries. I and couple more friends plan to make lots of them this weekend and sell them as a fundraiser for my church. So? What do you think? Is it good enough to sell? Since we are going to make them one day ahead, where can we store them? I need suggestions from all of you, please. Thanks berry berry much.
Wita, met valentine yah. makan coklat ama strawberry udah deh lengkap sudah kebahagian:)
laku koq say strawberrynya.. apalagi yang jual cantik gini :) selamat jualan yah..
wit ... itu enaak bnaget strawberrynya ... jadi ngiler nihh ... bagi dunk ... :)
wadouhh wit... belom makan masih ngliat fotomu dah termehe-mehe hiahahaha... apalagi klo makan... nyaplok yaaa...
Cantik banget, Jeng....payu akeh ora?
Wita ada pr dr gw disini http://dwianakitchen.blogspot.com/2008/03/cwie-mi-malang.html dikerjain yah.
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