Monday, July 2, 2007

Sour Beef Tounge

- Beef Tounge
- 7 clove of garlics
- 2 inches ginger
- 1 bunch green onion, chop
- 1 lb pickled mustard (sawi asin)
- 2 green tomatoes, cut by four
- salt+pepper
Boil beef tounge for 2-3 hours until tender then slice, reserve the water (500ml).
Rinse several times pickled mustard and cut them up.
Chop ginger and garlic and saute them in olive oil, add pickled mustard and beef tounge, add 500ml beef stock, add salt+pepper to taste, cover and cook for 30 minutes in low-medium heat. Add tomatoes and green onion and cook for 5 minutes.


sitta said...

bule makan lidah juga ya Wita? kalo di Sg susye banget deh nyari lidah. Jadi pingin nihh :))

wita said...

masa disana nggak ada lidah? wah rugi....hehehe... iya tadinya susah nyari tapi sekarang udah banyak orang latin disini jadi ada deh. Gw paling doyan sih makan lidah.