Monday, November 10, 2008

Here I come......

Finally.... !
Everything is beautiful in God's timing. Yes! I am really going to see my family in Indonesia. This is like my dream come true, the answer of my prayers.
I'll try to update my blog if I can find an internet cafe there. OK I hope you all have a good one....

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Onde-onde Palsu

Sebenarnya sih judulnya onde-onde ketawa, tapi kok nggak ada ketawanya sama sekali. Mana aku buat ini sebagai demo di women fellowship gereja. Aku maluuuuuu.......
terus aku bilang aja aku ini bukan expert bukan juga chef, pasti ibu2 lebih pinter dari saya, pembelaan diri.
Aku pilih resep ini karna paling gampang, nggak pakai mixer, nggak pakai oven, cuman nggoreng, dan tujuanku agar ibu2 itu bisa praktek sendiri, percuma demo yg canggih2, akhirnya cuman buat koleksi resep.
Tapi aku dpt respons yg luar biasa, ternyata nggak satupun ibu2 ini tahu apa itu onde-onde ketawa, yg harusnya mekar mirip kue mangkok. Mereka tahunya yg ada isi kacang ijo. So aku rada lega. Apalagi mereka seneng sekali, rasanya enak sekali buat cemilan nonton TV.
Maaf aku nggak posting resep, karna tidak mau menyinggung perasaan penemu resepnya.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Girl Baby Shower Cake

Baby girl cake for Christine's baby shower.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Birthday Cake

Birthday cake for Benny. Vanilla cake, lots of whipped cream and mandarin orange plus cherry.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Friday, September 12, 2008

Baby Boy Cake

I made this cake for Irma's baby shower last saturday. I had to take a day off to make this cake, I also made cupcakes and appetisers. I used chocolate cake and buttercream icing. I really had trouble making the frosting smooth, that's why I decided to cover it all with grass... hehehe always thinking!
I was so nervous about making the fence from the chocolate candy, since this was first time for me. Phew.. I did it! I was so happy that I had many compliments for this cake, and that meant a lot to me, I feel that what I made was appreciated and thank God, this is a blessing to me so I can bless others. Coming up..... cupcakes for Audrey bday this Sunday. I've been waiting to make cupcakes and now I am going to make them soooo pretty.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Flag Cake

We celebrated our independence day last friday at Richard's house. Steve and I made 150 chicken satay (sorry no picture) and the flag's cake. I made the cake with a vanilla sponge cake and and cool whip for the frosting. Steve and I also made some games for evrybody such as 4th of July trivia game, bubble gum contest, wistling after eating crackers contest and water game. I bought the prizes from dollar store. Oh my... everybody love the games so much and specially Steve did such a great job for leading the games and funmaker. I'm so proud of my husband *wink*wink... I had so much fun when he was around, that's why I didn't feel like taking pictures to put on my blog, sorry.

Monday, June 30, 2008

My first Edible Image Cake

I made this cake for one of my pastor birthday, Om Johnny. I thought it would be cool to have his old photos on the cake so thank God his daughter gave me a couple. So I took the photos a cake shop and asked them to print on an edible sheet for my cake, they charged me $10 for it.
I decided to make chocolate cake since most people love chocolate, and really expensive to buy real chocolate cake here.
I took it the the church and everybody was laughing to see his old photos on the cake, and when he walked in the room, he was so surprised and laughing so hard to see his old photograps.
I was so happy to make people laugh, it was just priceless to me.

Behind the scene:

I was browsing the get a really really good chocolate cake recipe and I chose to make sacher cake because of the testimonies I gathered around the bloggers. They said this cake is so rich in chocolate taste and easy to make. I loved the dark chocolaty color that I was looking for when I saw the photos on my friend's blogs. Most of them look so moist.

The recipe didn't tell how long the cake should be baked. So I baked it about 40-45 minutes. The top of the cake cracked all over and that didn't make me happy.
I cooled it down for 3 hours, wrapped it in plastic and put in refrigerator.
The next day, I cut the cake in half to make double layer. But the cake didn't cut so easily, little bit hard to cut and was not smooth at all. The taste was just okay, the texture was kinda dry to me eventhough I gave plenty of syrup/rhum to moist the cake. I didn't know what went wrong. The recipe said to bake the cake in 2 pans, but I baked in 1 pan, because my oven is small, I cannot put more than 1 pan at a time.
But...... I'll try again next time when I get over this sacher blue.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Botok Teri Daun Singkong

- Daun singkong
- Teri medan 1 bungkus
- Santen 2 kaleng
- Telor 3 butir
- Lengkuas
Bumbu yg dihaluskan:
- 5 bw.merah
- 5 bw.putih
- 3 cabe merah besar
- 1 sdt terasi
- 3 sdm gula merah
- 5 kemiri sangrai
- garem+merica
Rebus daun singkong selama 10 menit, dinginkan lalu potong kecil2.
Campur semua bahan lalu bungkus dgn daun pisang, kukus selama 30 menit.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Our little Trips

Sorry for not updating the blog. I was occupied with many things, but I had lots lots of fun these days. Thank you Jesus for your blessings everyday in my life and for all my family and friends who made my life so beautiful.

Last week May 18, we had the opportunity to celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary. We went to Williamsburg VA and spent the night there. Williamsburg is a colonial town that you can get to know American history.

We left fairly early on saturday morning, drove about 3 hours and we got there around noon, checked in hotel, and we walked to downtown to have a nice lunch where we can sit outside (Steve always wants to sit outside wherever we go). We walked back to the hotel and took a nap, our favorite thing to do together LOL...

In the evening we dressed up and went to Collonial Inn to have a special dinner. Steve wore a tie and suit, I wore a dress because in this restaurant, you have to dress like that or they will rent you one LOL. I had duck breast, and it's so good, so tender and melt in my mouth. Steve had a plate full of seafood. Steve told the waiter that we're celebrating our anniversary, and after that, she brought us a surprise for our dessert, everyone knows what this is, so lovely.

Then, Sunday May 25, since we had a holiday on Monday, Steve wanted to spend time out of town again.
He said, we're cruising babe.... yeepee...thank God we really enjoy spending time together and exploring new places, driving or by foot. My husband knows many things, he is also my personal GPS. One thing I like about my husband, when I think he drove in the wrong way, he never turned around, or asked direction (no way! so girly), he just kept going, and said we'll get there and thank God that Steve discovered our universe is round not flat. What a fun trip I always have with my husband.
So this time he wanted to go to Charlotsville, VA to see ThomasJefferson house. We left in early evening after the church, and for two hours driving, we got there and had dinner at downtown. We sat outside and had several appetizers and beers.

The next day we had breakfast at the downtown, we really enjoyed spending time there. Then we went to Monticello, the house of Thomas Jefferson. Beautiful house and garden. After that we went back to downtown and had lunch there, drinking beers again.... when the day is hot like that, the iced cold beer just what we need. We drove home by passing by the Skyline Drive in Shenandoah Mountain, the view was amazing. We got home late, but I was hungry for Indonesian food. So I made Indomie for both of us... hmmm so delicious.
Thanks baby for the wonderful trips, many many years to come, and I love you so much.

Netty's Baby's Shower

Ike, Netty, Yuyun, me, Eny and Yaty
We're preparing for the tumpeng
Tumpeng Komplit
All Photos courtesy by Yaty Yasir

When Indonesian girls get together, you know what happens, its always so much fun, great food, great laughs. We can't do this so often tho, because we all live apart. Our friend Netty is expecting her first baby, so Eny and I made her a surprised baby's shower. Not everybody could make it because it was a holiday weekend, but the party must go on, and yes, was successful, there are things I forgot to do or to take, but not a big deal. I got a panic attack when I fried the perkedel, they exploded successfully. We indeed had a blast time. My emotion was undescribeable, I could laugh and cry at the same time. The house filled with our loud voices, laughs, sometimes screams. Eat so much foods. We gathered together all the food to make tumpeng komplit. Netty, the mom to be, made us lontong sayur. So much foods, rujak, talam ubi, es buah selasih from Yaty, just perfect meals for everybody.
Thanks to Netty& Jim for your unexpected welcome to us, Eny+Tom, Yaty+David, Fetty+Bob, Ike, Yuyun, and kids.... love you all, and hope to see you again pretty soon....

Monday, May 5, 2008

Monday, April 28, 2008

Double Chocolate Cake

Thanks to Ayin for the recipe and step-by-step of making this cake. I didn't have dark cherry in stock so I made this chocolate cake with chocolate ganache instead. I was inspired by Rita and took her ganache recipe. I couldn't make it as beautiful as yours.
So much much thank you for enchef who really taught me about applying the chocolate transfer. I need more practice as you can see, I made lots of mess and doesn't look smooth.
I took this cake to church for my friend, Yuyun's b-day. Everybody couldn't believe that I made the cake, I heard a
So, I think I'm not that bad only need more patience in decorating, and energy! yea..where's that come from?
Thanks friends, you all inspired me.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Fruit Torte

This is vanilla sponge cake with vanilla custard filling, mix fruit, and whipped cream icing.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Baby Boy Cake again

Anniversary Cake

I made this cake for Women Fellowship's anniversary at my church.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Baby Boy Cake

Ellen and Gilbert are having a baby boy soon. Lucy and I made this cake and cupcakes for them. I thought it was not bad for a beginner like me. The cake was a genoise cake from marthastewart
and the frosting was whipping cream icing. I'm still looking for a good vanilla cake recipe that is simple to make but delicious. I like the whipping cream taste better than buttercream one, but I'm still learning and need more practicing.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I am officially a cake lady

My first decorated cake

I'm so proud of myself. Seriously if you're not a baker, decorating a cake could cause many problems such as severe headached, twisted your back bones or carpal tunnel syndrome. I came to work the other day with my hand still sore. After 4 weeks taking for course 1, finally last night I got my diploma. Steve couldn't believe when I brought home this cake that I and Lucy made it and because it's so beautiful, he refused to cut it.
I am glad that I can proudly pronounce myself as a cake lady.

So I want to take this opportunity to thanks many people:

1. Steve, my husband: Thank you for paying this course for me.
You are my inspiration and such a supportive husband and I know that you want me to spread my wings and do what I really love to do which are baking and cooking. Eventhough you are not a sweettooth person but I want to thank you so much that you, since the day we got married to be my guinea pig.

2. Ibu, My mother: I dedicated this whole baking ideas and work for you because you are my teacher and the first person who introduce me to baking and cooking world.

3. Sonia, my Wilton teacher: I was so fortunate to have you taught our class. Thank you for being such talented person and so patience specially to me and Lucy eventhough we're always behind and slow learner. You are so nice to us and I think you should have punished Lucy for not bringing her cake last night but you didn't. We hope to have your class again in the future.

4. Lucy, my partner in crime: Too much to say about you, but we better stop talking too much and get to work on our "Big Project", wedding cake business as our dream.
Me and my partner in crime

Me and Sonia my teacher

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Chocolate Covered Strawberry

I made these strawberries past weekend as a practice for my valentine's project coming up soon. I brought them for everyone to taste and they seemed to love it. I used semisweet chocolate and it was perfect, not overwhelmed the taste of strawberries. I and couple more friends plan to make lots of them this weekend and sell them as a fundraiser for my church. So? What do you think? Is it good enough to sell? Since we are going to make them one day ahead, where can we store them? I need suggestions from all of you, please. Thanks berry berry much.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Chili Over Spaghetti


- 1 lb lean ground beef
- 1/2 red onion
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 1 green bell pepper
- 1 red bell pepper
- 1 can of diced tomatoes
- 1 can of red kidney beans
- 1 cup red wine
- 500ml water or chicken stock

Chili seasoning:
- 1 tsp cumin powder
- 1 tsp oregano
- 3 tbs paprika powder
- 2 tbs red mexican chili powder
- 1 tbs cayenne pepper powder
- 1 tbs garlic powder
- 1 tbs onion powder
- 1 tbs cracked black pepper


1. Heat 3 tbs olive oil, add ground beef, cook until well done, add garlic and onion, cook for 2 minutes and add all the chili seasonings. Cook for another 3 minutes.

2. Add green and red pepper, cook for 2 minutes add canned tomatoes and red wine. Season with salt. Cook for 5 minutes then add water.

3. Simmer in low heat for 45 minutes, add the beans, cook for another 15 minutes.

4. Serve over spaghetti and sprinkle with chopped onion and grated cheese.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Lemon Chicken Over Linguini


- Chicken Breast
- 1 big Lemon
- 1/2 cup all purpose flour
- 5 cloves of garlic
- salt + pepper to taste
- 1 tbs butter
- 3 tbs olive oil
- 1/2 pack of linguini
- 1/2 cup parsley
- 1/2 cup grated parmesan
- 1 cup white wine


- Cook the linguini, follow the instruction in the box.
- Slice chicken breast thinly, and pound it until flat between two plastic wrap. Season with salt and pepper and then coat the breast with flour lightly.
- Heat butter and olive oil in skillet in low medium, fry the breast both sides until cooked and remove from skillet, put them aside.
- Saute the garlic in the same skillet until brown, turn the heat to low, add white wine, immediately add the chicken back to the skillet, and 1 cup of water from the pasta or chicken stock.
- Season with salt+pepper and parsley, cook another 2 minutes.
- Serve over linguini, sprinkle with grated parmesan cheese.

Serving 2 people

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Mie Bakso

Gara2 chatting sama jeng Eny, ngomongin bakso yang bikin laper apalagi lagi dingin2 begini, wow! aku langsung cabut ke korean store seberang kantor yg lumayan lengkap, beli deh bahan2 untk bakso, yang pasti ada tulang kaki yang masih ada sumsumnya itu...weleh2 semaleman aku nyruput2 tulang, sampe kangmas heran, kok ada makhluk yang doyan tulang? Juga aku nyoba bikin pound cake, ternyata hasilnya memuaskan, walau butternya banyak banget.
Ini dia hasilnya, sorry males nulis resep ah.

Mie Bakso

Pound Cake